Deep Learning for Browsers by Vikramank Singh | ResellerClub CloudBazaar
Artificial Intelligence in simple terms is a branch of technology that focuses on machines and them having the capability to think and make decisions like human beings. It has evolved to an extent where machines are able to recognize speech, visuals, languages and eventually make sound decisions. Moving on, Machine Learning is the subset of Artificial Intelligence that helps machines make decisions based on their previous outcomes or experiences. Moving further ahead, we have the final branch of Artificial Intelligence, Deep Machine Learning that is a subset of Machine Learning. What is Deep Learning? In Deep Learning machine trains itself with the help of deep learning algorithms and neural networks to recognize images or detect speech. Deep Machine Learning is the most advanced form of Artificial Intelligence today.
Artificial Intelligence is growing at a fast rate and is visible in all forms of machine learning applications, be it electric cars, smart homes or smart cities, Artificial Intelligence has slowly but steadily made its mark. Today it is no more necessary to have a GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) to load and run applications faster, with the use of JavaScript the process seems to have simplified a lot.
However, with all the advantages of Artificial Intelligence in advancing technology the question remains, does Artificial Intelligence help in domain names and web development?
This talk focuses on Deep Learning and the prospects it offers to the web developers in current times.
Vikramank Singh, a Data Scientist at Facebook explains to us the intricate concept of deep learning, a subset of Artificial Intelligence. He emphasizes the need for learning Artificial Intelligence and how it matters to developers for building blogs and websites, without coding. He even throws light on the role of Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence in enhancing SEO for a website.
Furthermore, he moulds his talk to ‘Deep Learning for Browsers’ covering ConvNetJS a project created at Stanford University using deep neural networks. He shares how this project can help increase the performance of browsers and users can truly leverage Artificial Intelligence through an online medium.
ResellerClub( is a known name in the web hosting industry catering to web professionals all across the globe. CloudBazaar( by ResellerClub is an annual Conference and Trade Show for Cloud, Domain and the Hosting Industry, catering to techies and newbies in the web world
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Artificial Intelligence in simple terms is a branch of technology that focuses on machines and them having the capability to think and make decisions like human beings. It has evolved to an extent where machines are able to recognize speech, visuals, languages and eventually make sound decisions. Moving on, Machine Learning is the subset of Artificial Intelligence that helps machines make decisions based on their previous outcomes or experiences. Moving further ahead, we have the final branch of Artificial Intelligence, Deep Machine Learning that is a subset of Machine Learning. What is Deep Learning? In Deep Learning machine trains itself with the help of deep learning algorithms and neural networks to recognize images or detect speech. Deep Machine Learning is the most advanced form of Artificial Intelligence today.
Artificial Intelligence is growing at a fast rate and is visible in all forms of machine learning applications, be it electric cars, smart homes or smart cities, Artificial Intelligence has slowly but steadily made its mark. Today it is no more necessary to have a GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) to load and run applications faster, with the use of JavaScript the process seems to have simplified a lot.
However, with all the advantages of Artificial Intelligence in advancing technology the question remains, does Artificial Intelligence help in domain names and web development?
This talk focuses on Deep Learning and the prospects it offers to the web developers in current times.
Vikramank Singh, a Data Scientist at Facebook explains to us the intricate concept of deep learning, a subset of Artificial Intelligence. He emphasizes the need for learning Artificial Intelligence and how it matters to developers for building blogs and websites, without coding. He even throws light on the role of Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence in enhancing SEO for a website.
Furthermore, he moulds his talk to ‘Deep Learning for Browsers’ covering ConvNetJS a project created at Stanford University using deep neural networks. He shares how this project can help increase the performance of browsers and users can truly leverage Artificial Intelligence through an online medium.
ResellerClub( is a known name in the web hosting industry catering to web professionals all across the globe. CloudBazaar( by ResellerClub is an annual Conference and Trade Show for Cloud, Domain and the Hosting Industry, catering to techies and newbies in the web world
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