How do we train a predictive Model? #Predicting model

Learn how leadCAST predict can save you time and money in the inventory process:…

By October 2024, all water utilities in the U.S. will have to submit a service line inventory to the EPA to improve public health and remove lead in drinking water. Confirming service line materials throughout an entire system requires field verification programs, which take time and resources to complete.

Predictive modeling is a viable alternative that focuses leveraging information collected in the field to understand patterns for the rest of the system, then predict the material of unknown services. Katie Deheer from Trinnex sat down to explain how utilities can save time and money with tools like leadCAST predict. She reveals how predictive models actually work, how she gets regulators on board, what it means to be a “responsible AI” and more.

Katie has over a decade of experience implementing the latest technology solutions for her clients. Her work in data analytics spans across industries, from engineering and construction, to telecom, to commercial banking, and more. She currently leads the design, development and deployment of insightful digital solutions at Trinnex.