Mind Control Is Here ! And I Can Open Doors With My Mind

This is a YouTube shorts to demonstrate how with a few lines of C# code we can implement a NextMind Neuro Tag behavior that allow us to open doors with our mind. NextMind brain computer interface is fairly straight forward to work with and their SDK provides you with all the tools required to get started with Unity.

I’ve also created a NextMind BCI playlists at which includes how the NextMind brain computer interface looks (open box video), how to get the NextMind SDK up and running with Unity, how to code various BCI behaviors including a demo showing how to use their calibration scene and creating of your own calibration / game scenes.

Also be sure to checkout my GitHub repo by joining me in Patreon and you will get access to the source code shown in this video and also in the BCI playlist.

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#NextMind #OculusQuest2 #VR #BCI