How Big Data Revealed the Best Diets

I spoke about diet at a low carb conference! I focused on big data.

Viva Longevity finds the most credible scientists and helps them tell their stories.


The Low Fat Diet Is Genocide | Fat Fiction | Full Documentary


Fat in the Diet and Mortality from Heart Disease by Jacob Yerushalmy

Public, searchable PDF article about Ancel Keys on the cover of TIME:

Comparative ecologic relationships of saturated fat, sucrose, food groups, and a Mediterranean food pattern score to 50-year coronary heart disease mortality rates among 16 cohorts of the Seven Countries Study

Mediterranean alpha-linolenic acid-rich diet in secondary prevention of coronary heart disease (Lyon Diet Heart Study by Serge Renaud)

The Framingham Heart Study’s Impact on Global Risk Assessment


Seven Countries: A Multivariate Analysis of Death and Coronary Heart Disease by Ancel Keys

Carlton Fredericks’ Low-Carbohydrate Diet
Environmental Epidemiology by Dean Baker
Toxic Truth: A Scientist, A Doctor, and the Battle Over Lead
The Devil’s Playbook
The Triumph of Doubt
Good Calories Bad Calories
The Big Fat Surprise
Lies My Doctor Told Me
The Science of Science
Strong Medicine by Blake Donaldson
Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution
Celebrating 90+ Years of Healthy Living by Jack LaLanne
The Book of Why
Causality in the Sciences
Causal Inference for Statistics, Social, and Biomedical Sciences
Livestock’s Long Shadow
Principles of Medical Statistics

Philosophy of the Stomach; An Exclusively Animal Diet Is the Most Wholesome and Fit for Man, by Bernard Mincriff, 1856

0:00 I spoke at CoSci
2:43 How big data will revolutionize nutrition
3:30 Working for Steve Jobs
5:10 Caddying for Jack LaLanne
5:56 Growing up low carb & eating lead
7:15 Environmental epidemiology
9:59 Living long
11:21 Big data
12:41 The famous 22-country paper
19:10 Saturated fat
20:37 So many centenarians
21:18 Gary Taubes article on epidemiology
23:30 Diet confusion in America
26:45 The pushback
29:32 What I’d do instead