The Neural Lace Podcast #1: Guest Shannon Norrell
The Neural Lace Podcast #1: Guest Shannon Norrell
Main website contact via
Guest: Shannon Norrell Presents his vision for building Neural Lace. Shannon is with the CTO Office of HP, a founding member of SVVR, organizer of the Silicon Valley WebGL/WebVR meetup group and Suspender of Disbelief for VRCamp at Burning Man.
In the first episode we propose an Open Neural Standard for Neural Lace which is a bi-directional brain computer interface.
Shannon Norrell is also a member of the Khronos Group working on OpenXR and with the CTO Office of HP doing Tech Ventures.
Your host Micah Blumberg is a neuroscientist by hobby for more than twelve years since I first read On Intelligence by Jeff Hawkins in 2005. You can connect to me the Self Aware Networks group on facebook which you can find the link to at the bottom of the page on this link
I am also a VR journalist with and I run some large VR facebook groups, but I admin the facebook groups called Neurophysics+ and Self-Aware Networks Computational Biology Neural Lace and Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience which you can join if you are on facebook.
Special thanks to Elon Musk for making Neural Lace a popular topic recently with his venture Neuralink
This is the shorter 22 minute Director's Cut, that cut's straight to the point and is more direct.
This is the version of the Neural Lace Podcast Episode 1 that will be more widely released on other podcast media soon.
The Neural Lace Podcast #1: Guest Shannon Norrell
Main website contact via
Guest: Shannon Norrell Presents his vision for building Neural Lace. Shannon is with the CTO Office of HP, a founding member of SVVR, organizer of the Silicon Valley WebGL/WebVR meetup group and Suspender of Disbelief for VRCamp at Burning Man.
In the first episode we propose an Open Neural Standard for Neural Lace which is a bi-directional brain computer interface.
Shannon Norrell is also a member of the Khronos Group working on OpenXR and with the CTO Office of HP doing Tech Ventures.
Your host Micah Blumberg is a neuroscientist by hobby for more than twelve years since I first read On Intelligence by Jeff Hawkins in 2005. You can connect to me the Self Aware Networks group on facebook which you can find the link to at the bottom of the page on this link
I am also a VR journalist with and I run some large VR facebook groups, but I admin the facebook groups called Neurophysics+ and Self-Aware Networks Computational Biology Neural Lace and Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience which you can join if you are on facebook.
Special thanks to Elon Musk for making Neural Lace a popular topic recently with his venture Neuralink
This is the shorter 22 minute Director’s Cut, that cut’s straight to the point and is more direct.
This is the version of the Neural Lace Podcast Episode 1 that will be more widely released on other podcast media soon.