Deep Learning in QGIS with the Deepness Plugin: Segmentation Models

Hey everyone! In this video, we’re diving into Deep Learning in QGIS with the Deepness Plugin, focusing on Segmentation Models—a powerful tool for analyzing raster data like satellite imagery with AI. No coding required! Whether you’re segmenting maps, detecting objects, or making numeric predictions, this plugin simplifies it all. We’ll explore how to use Segmentation Models, including the Solar PV Segmentation model, to analyze aerial images and identify features like solar panels, all within QGIS.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this step-by-step guide:
• How to install the Deepness plugin.
• Downloading ONNX Segmentation Models (like Solar PV Segmentation) from the Model Zoo.
• Processing Google Earth satellite imagery with deep learning.
• Adjusting resolution and bands for accurate results.

Useful links:
• Model Zoo for ONNX models:

• Tutorial: How to Download High-Resolution Satellite Images Using QGIS Plugin: A Comprehensive Guide:

Perfect for GIS enthusiasts, AI learners, or anyone interested in satellite imagery analysis! Got questions? Leave them in the comments. If you find this helpful, don’t forget to like and subscribe!

#QGIS #DeepLearning #SegmentationModels #SolarPVSegmentation #GIS #AI #DeepnessPlugin #SatelliteImagery