Fabric AI Hack Together Kickoff: Ready, Set Hack: Do more with AI in Microsoft Fabric
Get ready for the Fack AI Hack Together event! We're calling all Data/AI Enthusiasts and Data/AI practitioners to join us for the kick-off event where we will give background on the challenge, provide links to get started, and give you a preview of what's to come in our upcoming Fabric AI Hack Together Workshops! Plus, you'll get to meet other hackers, mentors, and experts who will help you along the way. Come with ideas or come for inspiration, we'd love to hear what you're planning to build!
#HackTogether #MicrosoftFabric
Get ready for the Fack AI Hack Together event! We’re calling all Data/AI Enthusiasts and Data/AI practitioners to join us for the kick-off event where we will give background on the challenge, provide links to get started, and give you a preview of what’s to come in our upcoming Fabric AI Hack Together Workshops! Plus, you’ll get to meet other hackers, mentors, and experts who will help you along the way. Come with ideas or come for inspiration, we’d love to hear what you’re planning to build!
#HackTogether #MicrosoftFabric