Why Natural Language Processing is the Crown Jewel of A.I.
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Understand why Natural language processing (NLP) is a key area of research in Artificial Intelligence (AI) that helps computers understand, interpret and manipulate human language.
From Sentiment scoring to Speech Detection and Named Entity Recognition, how can NLP through AI understand the true value of information?
Get Insights from:
- Feargal O'Sullivan, CEO, USAM Group
- Robert Marsh, Former Chief Product Officer at Kensho (now S&P)
- Gordon Ritter, Quantitative Trading Entrepreneur, New York University
- Yimei Guo, Managing Director & Global Head of Investment Research Technology, Morgan Stanley
- Javed Jussa, Quantitative Strategist, Wolfe Research
For more information about RavenPack and our tools & services head to our site ► https://bit.ly/2QYtlLH
Request access to the full video on ► https://bit.ly/2NaNg95
Understand why Natural language processing (NLP) is a key area of research in Artificial Intelligence (AI) that helps computers understand, interpret and manipulate human language.
From Sentiment scoring to Speech Detection and Named Entity Recognition, how can NLP through AI understand the true value of information?
Get Insights from:
– Feargal O’Sullivan, CEO, USAM Group
– Robert Marsh, Former Chief Product Officer at Kensho (now S&P)
– Gordon Ritter, Quantitative Trading Entrepreneur, New York University
– Yimei Guo, Managing Director & Global Head of Investment Research Technology, Morgan Stanley
– Javed Jussa, Quantitative Strategist, Wolfe Research
For more information about RavenPack and our tools & services head to our site ► https://bit.ly/2QYtlLH